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The Strongest Boy in the world, Giuliano Stroe 5-Year-Old Italian Kid

Romanian Giuliano Stroe, an italian boy 5-year-old broke the world record in athletics.The audience will be amazed for the action of youngest "body builder" in the world. He was doing push ups without his feet touching the floor for 20 times

Giuliano Stroe lives with his parents in Italy and, according to his father, Giuliano has been training since the age of two in Italy,where he lives with his family, and now the hard work has finally paid off. He was entered into the record books earlier this year after performing some impressive hand-walking' skills to a panel of judges and an astonished audience on an Italian TV show.

Now, Romanian Giuliano Stroe performed the fastest ever 10m hand walk with a weight ball between his legs, and setting the world record for the Strongest Boy In The World. Giuliano Stroe, the Strongest Kid In The World, performed the stunt in front of people, Giuliano Stroe has become an Internet sensation as hundreds of thousands of people have watched the clip of him performing the stunt on

I always took him to the gym, but he was a child. If Stroe was tired or bored, we go and play, Giuliano's father says

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